I'm cutting my teeth on GraphQL ruby here and this seems like it should be basic but the docs make this very difficult to grok. Where did I go wrong here?
My goal is simply to make a GraphQL mutation in my Ruby app.
module Types
class MutationType < Types::BaseObject
field :name, String
field :create_trip, mutation: Mutations::CreateTrip
Here's the mutation in app/graphql/mutations/create_trip.rb
class Mutations::CreateTrip < Mutations::BaseMutation
null true
argument :leavingFrom, String
field :name, String
type Types::TripType
def resolve(leavingFrom: )
new_trip = Trip.create(leavingFrom: leavingFrom)
# this doesn't really do anything--- this is proof-of-concept code only
if new_trip.save
# Successful creation, return the created object with no errors
trip: trip,
errors: [],
# Failed save, return the errors to the client
trip: nil,
errors: trip.errors.full_messages
the app/graphql/types/trip_type.rb is
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Types
class TripType < Types::BaseObject
field :id, ID, null: false
field :traveling_party_id, Integer
field :name, String
When I run this mutation:
mutation CreateTrip($leavingFrom: String) {
(with some data for leavingFrom)
I get this unexpected result: "Variable $leavingFrom is declared by CreateTrip but not used"
Expected result: My mutation calls through to the resolve on my GraphQL mutation.
I think the problem is in my query, because it does not look like the Ruby code ever called. Contrary to the message itself, the leavingFrom is indeed used by the mutation in the resolve body.
The answer given here is totally right.
On a more explanatory way, when you are executing a query or a mutation (operation type), you can name your operation or not.
<operation_type> <operation_name(optional)> (<variables>) {
# your query or mutation
# without naming it
mutation($input: String) {
# your mutation
# naming it
mutation MyMutation($input: String) {
# your mutation
Also I personally always use camelCase to name my mutations/queries and have a different name between mutation/query and operation name, using your example, I would do something like this:
mutation CreateTripMutation($leavingFrom: String) {
createTrip(leavingFrom: $leavingFrom) {
Hope to have helped you