void __fastcall TFormLogin::btnLoginClick(TObject *Sender)
UnicodeString query = "select * from admin where korisnickoIme = '" + editKorisnicko->Text +
"' AND lozinka = '" + editLozinka->Text + "'";
AnsiString ansiQuery = query;
ADOQuery1->ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=KnjiznicaManagement;Data Source=KUKICRO\\SQLEXPRESS;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=KUKICRO;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False";
ADOQuery1->Prepared = true;
ADOQuery1->Active = true;
catch (EADOError& e)
MessageDlg("Error spajanja", mtError,
TMsgDlgButtons() << mbOK, 0);
TDataSource* Src = new TDataSource(this);
Src->DataSet = ADOQuery1;
Src->Enabled = true;
if(Src->DataSet->RecordCount < 1){
labelPrijava->Visible = true;
ADOQuery1->Prepared = false;
Src->Enabled = false;
ADOQuery1->Active = false;
catch (EADOError& e){
MessageDlg("Error odspajanja", mtError,
TMsgDlgButtons() << mbOK, 0);
FormMain->labelUlogiran->Caption = Src->DataSet->FieldByName("korisnickoIme")->AsString;
Code from above is my OnClick
button event code. It should simulate login from a database table "admin" that contains "korisnickoIme" in the username field and "lozinka" in the password field. When I type in the correct username and password, the first attempt works, but if I type in the wrong username and password and then the correct one, it doesn't work. When I go through with the debugger, the last if
is true but it shouldn't be.
This line:
adds the ansiQuery
to the end of the SQL collection for ADOQuery
. When you click the button a second time, the new query is added to the end, but the original incorrect query is still at the start of the collection, so it is run first.
Solution: Clear out the collection on each button click. Add the following before the Add