Community. I need to accept multiple comma-separated inputs to produce a summary of information ( specifically, how many different employees participated in each group/project)? The program takes employees, managers and groups in the form of strings.
I'm using anytree python library to be able to search/count the occurrence of each employee per group. However, this program is only accepting one value/cell at a time instead of multiple values.
Here is the tree structure and how I accept input values?
Press q to exit, Enter your data: Joe
Press q to exit, Enter your data: Manager1
Press q to exit, Enter your data: Group1
Press q to exit, Enter your data: Charles
Press q to exit, Enter your data: Manager1
Press q to exit, Enter your data: Group2
Press q to exit, Enter your data: Joe
Press q to exit, Enter your data: Manager3
Press q to exit, Enter your data: Group1
Press q to exit, Enter your data: Charles
Press q to exit, Enter your data: Manager3
Press q to exit, Enter your data: Group1
Press q to exit, Enter your data: Joe
Press q to exit, Enter your data: Manager5
Press q to exit, Enter your data: Group2
Press q to exit, Enter your data: q
Employee No of groups
├── GROUP1
│ ├── JOE
│ │ └── MANAGER1
│ ├── JOE
│ │ └── MANAGER3
│ └── MANAGER3
└── GROUP2
│ └── MANAGER1
└── JOE
I need help with this code so that It can accept comma-separated values; for example, to enter Joe, Manager1, Group1 at a time.
import anytree
from anytree import Node, RenderTree, LevelOrderIter, LevelOrderGroupIter, PreOrderIter
import sys
# user input
lst_input = []
while (io!='q'):
io=input('Press q to exit, Enter your data: ')
if io!='q':
# change list in to matrix
for i in range(0, len(lst_input), 3):
lst.append(lst_input[i:i + 3])
# create tree structure from lst
group = Node('Group')
storeGroup = {}
for i in range(len(lst)):
if lst[i][2] in [ for x in group.children]: # parent already exist, append childrens
storeGroup[lst[i][0]] = Node(lst[i][0], parent=storeGroup[lst[i][2]])
storeGroup[lst[i][1]] = Node(lst[i][1], parent=storeGroup[lst[i][0]])
else: # create parent and append childreds
storeGroup[lst[i][2]] = Node(lst[i][2], parent=group)
storeGroup[lst[i][0]] = Node(lst[i][0], parent=storeGroup[lst[i][2]])
storeGroup[lst[i][1]] = Node(lst[i][1], parent=storeGroup[lst[i][0]])
store = {}
for children in LevelOrderIter(group, maxlevel=3):
if children.parent!=None and!='Group':
if not in store:
store[] = {}
store[] = store[] | {}
print('Employee', ' No of groups')
for i in store:
print(' '+i+' ', len(store[i]))
for pre,fill, node in RenderTree(group):
Thank you! Any thoughts are welcomed.
Leverage unpacking to extract elements. Then the if statement can be re-written this way.
if io!='q':
name, role, grp = io.upper(). split(',')
lst_input.append([name,role, grp])
you also need to change lst.append(lst_input[i:i + 3])
in the for loop to this.
lst.append(lst_input[0][i:i + 3])