I am trying to install pyscipopt from the SCIP Optimization Suite in order to use SCIP solver in Python. I already downloaded SCIP Optimization Suite from the SCIP Website. Unfortunately, my mac terminal returns an error when trying: "pip install pyscipopt".see screenshot
Does anyone know, why it doesn't work?
And might anyone have an alternative idea on how to get pyscipopt running for Python on macOS?
Thank you for your help in advance!
Judging from the error in your screenshot (scip.h not found
) it is very likely that you did not specify the SCIP installation directory correctly or did not install SCIP correctly.
The easiest way to get PySCIPOpt running nowadays is probably using conda as this will also install the SCIP Optimization Suite:
conda install --channel conda-forge pyscipopt
Please refer to the full installation instructions for further information on the other installation methods.