
TYPO3 Specific URL for successfully sent form

Using TYPO3 10 LTS, I have a contact form at https://example.com/contacts

I use the "Confirmation finisher" that has the same url https://example.com/contacts with some query string and post.

I needed another specific URL for when the form has been submitted successfully so I used this route enhancer:

    type: Extbase
    extension: Form
    plugin: Formframework
      - routePath: '/submit'
        _controller: 'FormFrontend::perform'
    defaultController: 'FormFrontend::perform'

Now the URL of a submitted form is: https://example.com/contacts/submit

The problem is that this URL appears even if the form has error (eg.: captcha error) so it's not really finished.

Is there a way to have a specific URL only when the form is submitted successfully?


  • You can use the Redirect finisher in your form definition.

    This will only be triggered upon successful submit and you will have a different URL in the end.

    As bonus you also prevent re-submit by reload this way.