I have a layer and want to create an animation for this layer which will update contents of one of sublayers. CAAnimation keyPath
has a notation, like sublayers.layerName.propertyName
to update some values of a sublayer but seems like it doesn't work with .contents
func rightStepAfter(_ t: Double) -> CAAnimation {
let rightStep = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "sublayers.right.contents")
rightStep.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: CAMediaTimingFunctionName.easeInEaseOut)
rightStep.keyTimes = [0, 1]
rightStep.values = [UIImage(named:"leftfoot")!.cgImage!, UIImage(named:"rightfoot")!.cgImage!]
rightStep.beginTime = t
rightStep.duration = stepDuration
rightStep.fillMode = .forwards
return rightStep
func leftStepAfter(_ t: Double) -> CAAnimation {
let leftStep = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "sublayers.left.opacity")
leftStep.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: CAMediaTimingFunctionName.easeInEaseOut)
leftStep.keyTimes = [0, 1]
leftStep.values = [0, 1]
leftStep.beginTime = t
leftStep.duration = stepDuration
leftStep.fillMode = .forwards
return leftStep
Here leftStepAfter
creates correct animation which updates opacity of a sublayer and rightStepAfter
doesn't update contents
of a sublayer. If you remove sublayers.right.
from the keyPath - animation will correctly change contents of a CURRENT layer. Project to check it and the original project.
Why my animation doesn't work and how to fix it?
Did not find an answer to my original question (via keypath), but solved my problem by creating several animations for each sublayer.