
Elasticsearch ingest pipelines to extract log level as Field:Value

Source log sample from message field:

{"log":"2022/02/15 22:47:07 insert into public.logs (time, level, message, hostname, loggerUID, appmodule) values ('2022-02-15 22:47:07.494330952','ERROR','GetRequestsByUserv2 :pq: column \"rr.requestdate\" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function','ef005e6da6f6','ba282127-6ef6-4238-9287-d7127a8d1996','eReturn')\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2022-02-15T14:47:07.495133571Z"}

Trying to extract " level: ERROR " as separate field from above log using ingest pipelines in Elastic so that it can be segregated based on the level of the logs such as ERROR,WARNING,INFO

Tried with split processor, but was not able to get the desired output. Any help would be appreciated.


  • You can use the grok processor using its syntax for regex:

    %{DATA:preerror} values \('%{DATA:date}','%{DATA:error}'%{GREEDYDATA:posterror}

    Then you can remove the fields preerror, date, posterror that you don't need.