
How to solve "MySQL service can not start" error in laragon 5.0.0 when adding a new version of MySQL

Hello guys i need your help to add a new version of MySQL in Laragon (version 5.0.0). Currently I'm using MySQL 5.7.33 and I would like to upgrade to 8.0.28 but unfortunately after trying to add it I got the following error (you can see the details below):


MySQL service can't start

laragon mysql error

Here's how I did it:

  1. I downloaded mysql-8.0.28-winx64.rar file and extracted it to C:\laragon\bin\mysql
  2. And in laragon main window i add it in the following way : Menu>MYSQL>mysql-5.7.33-winx64>mysql-8.0.28-winx64

After pressing "start all" I get this error: "Service MySQL can not start".

I tried to tweak a bit in the my.ini file but still no solution.

Thank you in advance for your help


  • would like to share My solution for this I used 64bit version and its in my PC "D" drive with no mysql root password

    1.Install c++ redistribution package from Microsoft site "VC_redist.x64.exe"

    2-Download archive

    3-Extract to "D:\laragon\bin\mysql" directory change drive letter accordingly

    4-Stop laragon and and select mysql8.0-winx64 version from Laragon Menu ->version->mysql-8.0.x-win64

    5-Now start the Service wait for few seconds to allow initialization

    6-Stop mysql server go to directory "D:\laragon\bin\mysql\mysql-8.0.x-winx64\bin" run "mysqld stop" this will stop sql

    7-Go to "D:\laragon\data" rename existing "mysql-8" folder to mysql.bk and rename "mysql" folder to mysql-8

    8-Stop Laragon and restart it again

    open cmd.exe as Administrator

    9-go to directory "D:\laragon\bin\mysql\mysql-8.0.x-winx64" run "mysql_upgrade.exe -u root -p" I didnt have password so i left it blank after -p

    10-Click Enter without password when prompted Wait for Few minutes to allow mysql do the upgrade

    11-now go to mysql terminal from Laragon enter comand "mysql -u root -p" Click Enter without password

    12.Now enter the following comand "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'NewPassword';" replace NewPassword with your own one

    13.Now Restart Laragon again

    If you have Phpmyadmin installed it should work now if you dont have install it from add feature
