I am currently using Laravel 9 for my project.
Here is my validation rules
public function rules()
$parent_id = $this->parent_id != 0 ? $this->parent_id : null;
return [
'name' => [
'required', 'string', 'min:2', 'max:50', function ($attribute, $value, $fail) use ($parent_id) {
$categories = Category::select(['id', 'parent_id', 'name'])
->where('parent_id', $parent_id)
->where('id', '<>', $this->route('category')?->id) // for update
foreach ($categories as $row) {
if (str($row->name)->lower() == str($value)->lower()) {
$fail('The ' . $attribute . ' has already been taken.');
} elseif (str($row->name)->slug() == str($value)->slug()) {
$fail('The ' . $attribute . ' slug matches another.');
// more..
Is there a short way to do this using Laravel Validation Rules.
As you are asking sort hand of unique rule. The (undocumented) format for the unique rule is:
table[,column[,ignore value[,ignore column[,where column,where value]...]]]
Note:: Multiple "where" conditions can be specified, but only equality can be checked. A closure (as in the accepted answer) is needed for any other comparisons.
But not recommended. Rather use closure for better options and readability.
->where('parent_id', $parent_id)
->where(function ($sql) use ($request) {
$sql->where('name', $request->name)
->orWhere('slug', $request->name);
And separately handle the error messages
As far as I understand you are trying to handle the uniqueness of possible any slug->name, slug->slug, name->slug, name->name conversation, in that case, I would recommend using uid/UUID with a slug to prevent duplication.
Hope the answer helps