I've updated Xcode to version 13.1 recently. After that, I can't use Xcode to upload ipa to TestFlight. I've received the error "The request timed out".
Because of this problem, my CI/CD doesn't work anymore because it can't distribute ipa using Xcode. (my runner using Xcode 13.x )
I've tried 4-5 different apps but I still faced the same error. If I export file ipa, then use Transporter app to distribute ipa => It pushes ipa to TestFlight successfully. I don't face this problem on Xcode 12.
Has anyone faced or known how to solve this problem? Thank in advance for your help.
I think you should take a look here: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/699749
In short - it seems that the altool bundled with xCode 13.2.1 is buggy and the workaround is just to use an altool from a different xCode version.