
Simulation test of public method taking integers arguments fails with errorcode "WasmUnknownError"

The problem occurs when using the command "near-vm" to execute a simulation test of an assemblyscript smart contract method that takes inputs of type numbers like i32, u32, i64, u64. The following error is returned "FunctionCallError":"WasmUnknownError".

How to reproduce:

  1. git clone the
  2. Build (yarn) and Run test (yarn test). Everything should works well
  3. Now add simple public method to add to numbers in src/simple/assembly/index.ts
export function add(a: i32, b: i32): i32 {
  return a + b;
  1. Optionally you can also add a corresponding unit test src/simple/__tests__/index.unit.spec.ts and it will pass successfully
it("should return the sum of two integers", () => {
    const sum = add(1, 2);

  1. Now the problem occurs when running simulation test using near-vm
yarn near-vm --wasm-file build/debug/simple.wasm --method-name add --input '{"a": 1, "b": :2}

Then you get "FunctionCallError":"WasmUnknownError"


Note that this problem doesn't occur when the method parameters are strings.


  • the simulation tests there are outdated and need to be updated

    Check out this new way of simulating NEAR contracts