I am trying to split a string into an array of text contents which each are present within the [@
and ]
delimiters. Just characters in between [@
and ]
are allowed to match. Being provided with a string like ...
const stringA = '[@Mary James], [@Jennifer John] and [@Johnny Lever[@Patricia Robert] are present in the meeting and [@Jerry[@Jeffery Roger] is absent.'
... the following result is expected ...
'Mary James',
'Jennifer John',
'Patricia Robert',
'Jeffery Roger'
Any logic which leads to the expected outcome can be used.
A self search for a solution brought up the following applied regex ...
But the result doesn't fulfill the requirements because the array features the following items ...
'Mary James',
'Jennifer John',
'Johnny Lever[@Patricia Robert',
'Jerry[@Jeffery Roger'
The OP's regex does not feature the opening bracket within the negated character class, thus changing the OP's /(?<=\[@)[^\]]*(?=\])/g
to (?<=\[@)[^\[\]]*(?=\])
already solves the OP's problem for most environments not including safari browsers due to the lookbehind which is not supported.
Solution based on a regex ... /\[@(?<content>[^\[\]]+)\]/g
... with a named capture group ...
const sampleText = '[@Mary James], [@Jennifer John] and [@Johnny Lever[@Patricia Robert] are present in the meeting and [@Jerry[@Jeffery Roger] is absent.'
// see ... [https://regex101.com/r/v234aT/1]
const regXCapture = /\[@(?<content>[^\[\]]+)\]/g;
({ groups: { content } }) => content