I was just reading https://docs.fluxcd.io/projects/helm-operator/en/stable/helmrelease-guide/debugging/#manually-performing-a-release-to-debug as well as the FAQ, but couldn't figure out how to trigger a retry of a HelmRelease.
My workaround was to commit an insignificant change to the watched release repository just to get helmoperator to pick up a diff. Is there a better way?
To force a HelmRelease reconciliation, you could use a combination of the suspend
and resume
flux suspend hr my-helmrelease -n myhelmrelease-ns
► suspending helmreleases my-helmrelease in myhelmrelease-ns namespace
✔ helmreleases suspended
flux resume hr my-helmrelease -n myhelmrelease-ns
► resuming helmreleases my-helmrelease in my-helmrelease-ns namespace
✔ helmreleases resumed
◎ waiting for HelmRelease reconciliation