
Modify surface code to solve for 4 dimensions instead of 3 [edited]

I found this great question with some concise code that, with a couple of tweaks, fits a 3D polynomial surface onto a set of points of in space.

Python 3D polynomial surface fit, order dependent

My version is below.

Ultimately, I've realized that I need to fit a surface over time, i.e. I need to solve for a 4 dimensional surface, and I've struggled with it.

I came up with a very hacky and computationally intensive work-around. I create a surface for each time interval. Then I create a grid of points and find the Z value for each point on each surface. So now I have a bunch of x,y points and each one has a list of z values that need to flow smoothly from one interval to the next. So we do a regression on the z values. Now that the z-flow is smooth, I refit a surface for each time interval based on the x,y points and whatever their smoothed Z value is for the relevant time interval.

Its what it sounds like. Clunky and suboptimal. The resulting surfaces flow more smoothly and still perform okay but there's gotta be a way to cut out the middle man and solve for that 4th dimension directly in the fitSurface function.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import itertools

# Start black magic
def xy_powers(order):
    powers = itertools.product(range(order + 1), range(order + 1))
    return [tup for tup in powers if sum(tup) <= order]

def fitSurface(x, y, z, order):
    ncols = (order + 1)**2
    G = np.zeros((x.size, ncols))
    ij = xy_powers(order)
    for k, (i,j) in enumerate(ij):
        G[:,k] = x**i * y**j
    m, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(G, z, rcond=None)
    return m

def getZValuesForXYInputs(surface, order, x, y):
    order = int(np.sqrt(len(surface))) - 1
    ij = xy_powers(order)
    z = np.zeros_like(x)
    for a, (i,j) in zip(surface, ij):
        z += a * x**i * y**j
    return z
# End black magic

def showRender_3D(x_raw, y_raw, z_raw, xx, yy, zz):
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = Axes3D(fig)
    ax.scatter(x_raw, y_raw, z_raw, color='red', zorder=0)
    ax.plot_surface(xx, yy, zz, zorder=10, alpha=0.4)
    ax.set_xlabel('X data')
    ax.set_ylabel('Y data')
    ax.set_zlabel('Z data')

def main(order):
    # Make generic data
    numdata = 100
    x = np.random.random(numdata)
    y = np.random.random(numdata)
    z = x**2 + y**2 + 3*x**3 + y + np.random.random(numdata)
    t = np.random.randint(1, 4, numdata) # Break the data into 

    # Fit the surface
    m = fitSurface(x, y, z, order)

    # Sample the surface at regular points so we can more easily plot the surface
    nx, ny = 40, 40
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), nx), 
                         np.linspace(y.min(), y.max(), ny))
    zz = getZValuesForXYInputs(m, order, xx, yy)

    # Plot it
    showRender_3D(x, y, z, xx, yy, zz)

orderForSurfaceFit = 3

Example of a surface fit


  • Alright so I think I got this dialed in. I wont go over the how, other than to say that once you study the code enough the black magic doesn't go away but patterns do emerge. I just extended those patterns and it looks like it works.

    End result enter image description here

    Admittedly this is so low res that it look like its not changing from C=1 to C=2 but it is. Load it up and you'll see. The gif should show the flow more cleary now.

    First the methodology behind the proof. I found a funky surface equation and added a third input variable C (in-effect creating a 4D surface), then studied the surface shape with fixed C values using the original 3D fitter/renderer as a point of trusted reference.

    When C is 1, you get a half pipe from hell. A slightly lopsided downsloping halfpipe. Ortho 1 Front 1

    Whence C is 2, you get much the same but the lopsidedness is even more exaggerated. Ortho 2 Front 2

    When C is 3, you get a very different shape. Like the exaggerated half pipe from above was cut in half, reversed, and glued back together. Ortho 3 Front 3 Side 3

    When you run the below code, you get a 3D render with a slider that allows you to flow through the C values from 1 to 3. The values at 1, 2, and 3 look like solid matches to the references. I also added a randomizer to the data to see how it would perform at approximating a surface from imperfect noisy data and I like what I see there too.

    Props to the below questions for their code and ideas.

    Python 3D polynomial surface fit, order dependent

    python visualize 4d data with surface plot and slider for 4th variable

    import itertools
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    from matplotlib.widgets import Slider
    class Surface4D:
        def __init__(self, order, a, b, c, z):
            # Setting initial attributes
            self.order = order
            self.a = a
            self.b = b
            self.c = c
            self.z = z
            # Setting surface attributes
            self.surface = self._fit_surface()
            self.aa = None
   = None
            # Setting graph attributes
            self.surface_render = None
            self.axis_3d = None
        # Start black magic math
        def _abc_powers(self):
            powers = itertools.product(range(self.order + 1), range(self.order + 1), range(self.order + 1))
            return [tup for tup in powers if sum(tup) <= self.order]
        def _fit_surface(self):
            ncols = (self.order + 1)**3
            G = np.zeros((self.a.size, ncols))
            ijk = self._abc_powers()
            for idx, (i,j,k) in enumerate(ijk):
                G[:,idx] = self.a**i * self.b**j * self.c**k
            m, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(G, self.z, rcond=None)
            return m
        def get_z_values(self, a, b, c):
            ijk = self._abc_powers()
            z = np.zeros_like(a)
            for s, (i,j,k) in zip(self.surface, ijk):
                z += s * a**i * b**j * c**k
            return z
        # End black magic math
        def render_4d_flow(self):
            # Set up the layout of the graph
            fig = plt.figure()
            self.axis_3d = Axes3D(fig, rect=[0.1,0.2,0.8,0.7])
            slider_ax = fig.add_axes([0.1,0.1,0.8,0.05])
            self.axis_3d.set_xlabel('X data')
            self.axis_3d.set_ylabel('Y data')
            self.axis_3d.set_zlabel('Z data')
            # Plot the point cloud and initial surface
            self.axis_3d.scatter(self.a, self.b, self.z, color='red', zorder=0)
            zz = self.get_z_values(self.aa,, 1)
            self.surface_render = self.axis_3d.plot_surface(self.aa,, zz, zorder=10, alpha=0.4, color="b")
            # Setup the slider behavior
            slider_start_step = self.c.min()
            slider_max_steps = self.c.max()
            slider = Slider(slider_ax, 'time', slider_start_step, slider_max_steps , valinit=slider_start_step)
            input("Once youre done, hit any enter to continue.")
        def _update(self, val):
            zz = self.get_z_values(self.aa,, val)
            self.surface_render = self.axis_3d.plot_surface(self.aa,, zz, zorder=10, alpha=0.4, color="b")
        def _sample_surface_grid(self):
            na, nb = 40, 40
            aa, bb = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(self.a.min(), self.a.max(), na), 
                                np.linspace(self.b.min(), self.b.max(), nb))
            self.aa = aa
   = bb
    def noisify_array(one_dim_array, randomness_multiplier):
        listOfNewValues = []
        range = abs(one_dim_array.min()-one_dim_array.max())
        for item in one_dim_array:
            # What percentage are we shifting the point dimension by
            shift = np.random.randint(0, 101)
            shiftPercent = shift/100
            shiftPercent = shiftPercent * randomness_multiplier
            # Is that shift positive or negative
            shiftSignIndex = np.random.randint(0, 2)
            shifSignOption = [-1, 1]
            shiftSign = shifSignOption[shiftSignIndex]
            # Shift it
            newNoisyPosition = item + (range * (shiftPercent * shiftSign))
        return np.array(listOfNewValues)
    def generate_data():
        # Define our range for each dimension
        x = np.linspace(-6, 6, 20)
        y = np.linspace(-6, 6, 20)
        w = [1, 2, 3]
        # Populate each dimension
        a,b,c,z = [],[],[],[]
        for X in x:
            for Y in y:
                for W in w:
                    z.append((1 * X ** 4) + (2 * Y ** 3) + (X * Y ** W) + (4 * X) + (5 * Y))
        # Convert them to arrays
        a = np.array(a)
        b = np.array(b)
        c = np.array(c)
        z = np.array(z)
        return [a, b, c, z]
    def main(order):
        # Make the data
        a,b,c,z = generate_data()
        # Show the pure data and best fit
        surface_pure_data = Surface4D(order, a, b, c, z)
        # Add some noise to the data
        a = noisify_array(a, 0.10)
        b = noisify_array(b, 0.10)
        c = noisify_array(c, 0.10)
        z = noisify_array(z, 0.10)
        # Show the noisy data and best fit
        surface_noisy_data = Surface4D(order, a, b, c, z)
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    orderForSurfaceFit = 5

    [Edit 1: I've started to incorporate this code into my real projects and I found some tweaks to make things ore sensible. Also there's a scope problem where the runtime needs to be paused while it's still in the scope of the render_4d_flow function in order for the slider to work.]

    [Edit 2: Higher resolution gif that shows the flow from c=2 to c=3]