I am working on a cli tool with commander. I have this app.ts file.
import { Command } from 'commander';
const program = new Command();
const zoneConf = program.command('zone-conf');
const generate = zoneConf.command('generate');
generate.command('tx-commands').action(() => {
console.log('Ran `zone-conf generate tx-commands`');
I expect that when I run tsc && node app.js
, I would be able to do run a command like zone-conf generate tx-commands
. When I do run it the output is zsh: command not found: zone-conf
Is therw a step I am missing with commander in nodejs.
For your terminal to recognize your command you can use npm link
. Which will create a global link for your package.
You should first build your application and then run the link command.
In your project folder run:
$ tsc
$ npm link
If this is not something you want to leave it linked, after you are done using it, you can use the npm uninstall
to remove it:
$ npm uninstall -g <your-package-name>
If you don't want to link it globally, the comment from @shadowspawn should work:
tsc && node app.js zone-conf generate tx-commands