
TYPO3 tx_news: Detail category link with sorting List

So far the linking etc. in the news detail for the category output works fine. What does not work yet is the "filtering" when i click (the site: News Detail) on a category "link" => Here it should then filter the news matching the category on the news list.

What i need on Settings on the News Detail-Site? What i need in the Template from the News Detail?

Here the News Detail category FLUID:

<f:if condition="{newsItem.categories}">
                <span class="news-list-category">
                    <f:for each="{newsItem.categories}" as="category" iteration="iteratorCategories">
                        <f:if condition="{category.shortcut}">
                                <f:link.action pageUid="{category.shortcut}" arguments="{overwriteDemand:{categories:category.uid}}" class="news-list-category__item" title="{category.title}">{category.title}</f:link.action>
                            <f:else><f:link.action pageUid="{settings.backPid}" arguments="{overwriteDemand:{categories:category.uid}}" class="news-list-category__item" title="{category.title}">{category.title}</f:link.action></f:else>
                        </f:spaceless><f:spaceless><f:if condition="{iteratorCategories.isLast}"><f:then></f:then><f:else>,</f:else></f:if></f:spaceless>

the focus is this fluid:

<f:link.action pageUid="{settings.backPid}" arguments="{overwriteDemand:{categories:category.uid}}">{category.title}</f:link.action>

if i click on the link, the news list is default, and not sorted


  • Looks like overwriteDemand is not allowed on your list-page.

    There's a section "Set overwriteDemand in links" in the documentation saying:


    The checkbox Disable override demand in the list plugin (Tab Additional) must not be set to allow overriding the properties.