I am trying to convert "KerasTensor" into numpy array. I have tried converting KerasTensor to tf.Tensor (with no luck). I have also tried using tensor.numpy(), tensor.eval() and keras.backend.eval(tensor) all of that have not worked. Trying ".numpy()" and ".eval()" I am getting AttributeError: 'KerasTensor' object has no attribute 'numpy' error. How do I convert extracted KerasTensor to numpy array or to EagerTensor so I can use .numpy() method ?
Tensorflow version: 2.8.0 Keras version: 2.8.0
Thanks for help
Edit (Additional info): Model is build using keras functional API. After fit() I am extracting encoded input by: encoded = model.get_layer("encoder_output").output After that I've tried converting the "encoded" KerasTensor like I've described above and it does not work.
There is no value to convert to numpy.
You need an input to have an output.
In keras, the best to do is to build a submodel.
submodel = Model(original_model.inputs, original_model.get_layer("encoder_output").output)
results = submodel.predict(numpy_input)