I would like to create a quickcheck generator to generate a data structure like a tree. Due to the specifics caracteristics of this structure I would like the value to be generated according to its depth in the structure and store tags generated at one place to reuse them at another place. So I would like to pass a state to my generators (like in the with State monad with put
and get
Is there a function in the quickcheck library to do that or should I combine a StateT monad with the Gen monad ? Can quickcheck-transformer be a solution ?
It is possible to create a quickcheck generator with a state. This state can then be used to tweak the generators according to embedded values.
it requires the modules :
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
Considering this data structure:
data MyElem = Header String
| Upper [MyElem]
| Str [String]
| Tag String
Suppose that we want to generate a random structure with a limited depth, beginning with a header and without duplicate tag.
We create the following state data structure:
data MyState = MyState
{ lastHeader :: Maybe String -- ^ The title of the last header (If a header is passed).
, level :: Int -- ^ The level (depth) where we are in the structure.
, usedTags :: [String] -- ^ The list of laready used tags.
initState = MyState
{ lastHeader = Nothing
, level = 1
, usedTags = []
We use the StateT
modifier to create a state with the embedded MyState
and with the inner Gen
monad (from the quickcheck library)
type MyGen t = StateT MyState Gen t
We can define generator with a state depending behavior for each elements of the MyElem
data structure.
In these function, we will use the lift
function to use quickcheck
functions in top of the MyGen
monad and retrieve their results.
genUpper :: MyGen MyElem
genUpper = do
modify (\st -> st { level = level st + 1 })
es <- genBase
modify (\st -> st { level = level st - 1 })
return $ Upper es
genElems :: MyGen [MyElem]
genElems = do
l <- gets level
if l == 1
then vectorOfM 6 $ oneofM [genStr, genHeader, genUpper, genTag]
else if l > 4 -- Limit the depth to 4
then vectorOfM 3 $ oneofM [genStr, genTag]
else vectorOfM 4 $ oneofM [genStr, genUpper, genTag]
genStr :: MyGen MyElem
genStr = do
l <- gets level
v <- lift $ case l of -- Set the maximum string length according to the level of the structure.
1 -> choose (5, 10)
2 -> choose (3, 7)
_ -> choose (1, 5)
s <- lift $ vectorOf v $ elements ["Lorem", "Ispum", "Dolor", "Sit", "Amet", "Elit", "Duis", "Sagittis", "Tortor"]
return $ Str s
genHeader :: MyGen MyElem
genHeader = do
h <- lift $ elements ["A header", "Another header", "Still another header", "No more header"]
modify (\st -> st { lastHeader = Just h })
return $ Header h
genTag :: MyGen MyElem
genTag = do
tgs <- gets usedTags
let tag = head $ filter (`notElem` tgs) $ map (\i -> "TAG" ++ show i) [1 ..]
modify (\st -> st { usedTags = tag : usedTags st }) -- Set the already used tags
return $ Tag tag
genBase = do
stat <- get
case lastHeader stat of
Nothing -> do -- Force the first element to be a Header.
e <- genHeader
es <- genBase
return $ e : es
Just _ -> do
It is necessary to make specific versions of some transformers of the quickcheck library to make it work with the new monad MyGen
You will have to rewrite some of the functions described in the source file Test.QuickCheck.Gen
vectorOfM :: Int -> MyGen t -> MyGen [t]
vectorOfM = replicateM
oneofM :: [MyGen t] -> MyGen t
oneofM [] = error "oneofM used with empty list"
oneofM gs = do
v <- lift $ choose (0, length gs - 1)
gs !! v
Then you can use the new generator with both the generate
and the evalStateT
main = do
struct <- generate $ evalStateT genBase initState
print struct