
I added some files in my ios project but they are not showing up in XCode project navigator [ XCode 13.2 ]

I added a directory indside Runner as shown

enter image description here

But directory is not showing up in project navigator

enter image description here

I copied and pasted directory inside it.

How can I resolve this.


  • Files do not show in XCode Project navigator because they must be added from outside of XCode.

    It woluld be better if you add them from inside project navigator(XCode).

    1. Goto the navigator and Right-click on any directory in which you want to add files/folder.
    2. Click on Add Files to <ProjectName>

    enter image description here

    1. Now Select files/folder that ou want to add
    2. then click Add.

    enter image description here

    Now all Files/Directories (that you have selected) will be added in your project.