
MWAA Webserver IPs on CDK

I'm creating an Amazon Managed Airflow (MWAA) using CDK with the setting of webserver_access_mode='PRIVATE_ONLY'. In this mode, AWS creates a VPC interface endpoint and binds an IP address, from the selected VPC private subnets, to them as explained here:

Now, I want to use those IPs to add a listener to an existing load balancer that I can then use to connect to a VPN, but this doesn't seem to be available as an output attribute/property of aws_cdk.aws_mwaa.CfnEnvironment:

My question is, is there a way to obtain those IPs associated with the aws_cdk.aws_mwaa.CfnEnvironment? Right now I am looking up the results manually after the deployment with CDK and creating the listener but I would prefer to fully automate it in the same CDK construct.


  • In the end, I used a lambda function to resolve the webserver URL and register the IP addresses to the target group. The approach is described in the following AWS blog post:

    The implementation of the lambda function is also available through the following AWS sample code: