
Xamarin forms Back Button Navigation

I'm working on a Xamarin Forms app and am using the MVVM Design. the issue is when am navigating to another page using


I disable the button to prevent Creating Multiple Pages or DB Operations. but if I want to go back, I re-enable the buttons in the VM constructor, but the constructor never gets called which means the buttons are still disabled. I tried to append the // in the Page route to remove the stack thinking that when I go back it will create a new instance Page and VM, but that did not work. so can anyone help me resolving this problem. thanks in advance.

Update: VM Code

 public RegisterViewModel()
    Debug.WriteLine("Class Constructor", Class_Name);
    //in case if disabled
    RegisterButtonEnabled = true;            
    RegisterCommand = new Command(RegisterButtonOnClick);

    public ICommand RegisterCommand { get; }

    private bool registerButtonEnabled = true;
    public bool RegisterButtonEnabled 
        get => registerButtonEnabled;
            registerButtonEnabled = value;

private async void RegisterButtonOnClick()

         RegisterButtonEnabled = false;
        //More Code
        //and then go to Register Page
         await Shell.Current.GoToAsync(nameof(RegisterPage));

and my xaml

                Command="{Binding RegisterCommand}"
                Text="{xct:Translate Register}"
                Style="{StaticResource ButtonStyle}"
                IsEnabled="{Binding RegisterButtonEnabled,Mode=OneWay}"/>


  • I had create a default shell project. And find something about the viewmodel. You can add the onappear and the ondisappear method to the viewmodel. Such as:


    public void OnAppearing()
          RegisterButtonEnabled = true;
    public void OnDisAppearing()
          RegisterButtonEnabled = false;


       ItemsViewModel _viewModel;
        public ItemsPage()
            BindingContext = _viewModel = new ItemsViewModel();
       protected override void OnAppearing()
        protected override void OnDisappearing()