
How to convert json MySQL data into rows and column

I have mysql table like this which contain id and json type column:

id value
1 {"sys": "20", "dia": "110"}
2 {"bpm": "200"}
3 {"bpm": "123", "sys": "1", "dia": ""}

Now, I want to have a MySQL query to which data should be as below in which id, val1 will contain keys of the json data and val2 will contain values of respective keys :

id val1 val2
1 sys 20
1 dia 110
2 bpm 200
3 bpm 123
3 sys 1
3 dia

Note : I am using MySQL 5.7 version and the keys inside the JSON object are not fixed. It can be any number.

I want to know how I can achieve this using MySQL query

Thanks in Advance!!!


  • I am able to find the below sql query that will return me the data of it:

    select id as Id
    ,JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(JSON_KEYS(value), CONCAT('$[', idx , ']'))) as val1
    ,JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(ic1.value, CONCAT('$.',JSON_EXTRACT(JSON_KEYS(value), CONCAT('$[', idx , ']'))))) as val2
    from test as ic1
    INNER JOIN (  
       SELECT 0 as idx UNION ALL 
       SELECT 1 as idx UNION ALL 
       SELECT 2 as idx UNION ALL 
       SELECT 3 as idx UNION ALL
       SELECT 4 as idx UNION ALL 
       SELECT 5 as idx UNION ALL
       SELECT 6 as idx UNION ALL
       SELECT 7 as idx UNION ALL
       SELECT 8 
      ) AS Indices 
    ON Indices.idx < JSON_LENGTH(JSON_KEYS(value))
    ORDER BY id;