I have this piece of code
dict3 = {'12345': ['paper', '3'], '67890': ['pen', '78'], '11223': ['olive', '100'], '33344': ['book',
output = open("output.txt", "a", encoding='utf-8')
for k, v in dict3.items():
output.writelines(f'{k} {v[0]} {v[1]}\n')
When this code is executed I have this result:
12345 paper 3
67890 pen 78
11223 olive 100
33344 book 18
So, maybe someone knows how to do the same, but using the shelve module?
Since shelve
shelves smell like dictionaries, you can just use .update()
to write that dict into a shelf, then .items()
to read:
import shelve
dict3 = {
'12345': ['paper', '3'],
'67890': ['pen', '78'],
'11223': ['olive', '100'],
'33344': ['book', '18'],
with shelve.open("my.shelf") as shelf:
# ...
with shelve.open("my.shelf") as shelf:
for k, v in shelf.items():
print(k, v)
67890 ['pen', '78']
12345 ['paper', '3']
11223 ['olive', '100']
33344 ['book', '18']