
How to use a MySQL function in Sequelize TypeScript

I want to use the Year function on the date column as I want to compare year.

In raw format, we can write a query like this:

Select * from Table where YEAR(date) = 2020

How can we convert this query in sequelize-typescript?

class VenueSeason  {

    // ...

    name?: string;

    startDate?: Date;

    endDate?: Date;


  • To use MySQL functions in Sequelize TypeScript, you can simply do this:

    where: {
              // anyOtherColumn: //value,
              [Op.and]: where(fn('YEAR', col('startDate')), _year),

    Do import the requirements for it from Sequelize at the top:

    import { Op, fn, col, where } from "sequelize";

    I got the hint from this question for Sequelize (JavaScript): Sequelize WHERE sequelize.fn(...) AND something='something' ordering issue