I am trying to setup a venv from command prompt using conda. I have made sure that i'm running the command prompt as administrator.
While trying to perform step 2e from this step by step guide I keep getting an error on the command prompt
C:\ was unexpected at this time.
when I perform the following command
set PYTHONPATH=C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\FYP\FYP-FINAL\FASTER-RCNN\tensorflowZ\models;C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\FYP\FYP-FINAL\FASTER-RCNN\tensorflowZ\models\research;C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\FYP\FYP-FINAL\FASTER-RCNN\tensorflowZ\models\research\slim
This is what the folder hierarchy looks like
Are you running these commands from Anaconda command prompt or system command prompt? You're expected to use the first one right...
From the Start menu in Windows, search for the Anaconda Prompt utility, right click on it, and click “Run as Administrator”