
Structured-light 3D scanner - depth map from pixel correspondence

I try to create Structured-light 3D scanner.

Camera calibration

Camera calibration is copy of OpenCV official tutorial. As resutlt I have camera intrinsic parameters(camera matrix).

Projector calibration

Projector calibration maybe is not correct but process was: Projector show chessboard pattern and camera take some photos from different angles. Images are cv.undistored with camera parameters and then result images are used for calibration with OpenCV official tutorial. As result I have projector intrinsic parameters(projector matrix).

Rotation and Transition

From cv.calibrate I have rotarion and transition vectors as results but vectors count are equal to images count and I thing it is not corect ones because I move camera and projector in calibration. My new idea is to project chessboard on scanning background, perform calibration and in this way I will have Rotation vector and Transition vector. I don't know is that correct way.


Process of scanning is:

Generate patterns -> undistor patterns with projector matrix -> Project pattern and take photos with camera -> undistort taken photos with camera matrix

Camera-projector pixels map

I use GrayCode pattern and with cv.graycode.getProjPixel and have pixels mapping between camera and projector. My projector is not very high resolution and last patterns are not very readable. I will create custom function that generate mapping without the last patterns.


I don't know how to get depth map(Z) from all this information. My confution is because there are 3 coordinate systems - camera, projector and world coordinate system.

How to find 'Z' with code? Can I just get Z from pixels mapping between image and pattern?

Information that have:

Similar Questions:

There are many other resources and I will update list with comment. I missed something and I can't figure out how to implement it.


  • Lets assume p(x,y) is the image point and the disparity as (x-x'). You can obtain the depth point as,

    disparity = x-x_ # x-x'
    point_and_disparity = np.array([[[x, y, disparity]]], dtype=np.float32)
    depth = cv2.perspectiveTransform(point_and_disparity, q_matrix)