
SAMA5d31:The Uboot cannot be started

I currently use a custom board based on SAMa5D31:

  1. Emmc is currently used for boot
  2. The Uboot fails to be started

Stuck in SD/MMC: Done to load image without any reaction



  • Modify the following

    diff --git a/board/sama5d3xek/sama5d3xek.c b/board/sama5d3xek/sama5d3xek.c
    index 57093b58..153749ce 100644
    --- a/board/sama5d3xek/sama5d3xek.c
    +++ b/board/sama5d3xek/sama5d3xek.c
    @@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ static void ddramc_reg_config(struct ddramc_register *ddramc_config)
                    | AT91C_DDRC2_MD_DDR2_SDRAM);
        ddramc_config->cr = (AT91C_DDRC2_NC_DDR10_SDR9
    -               | AT91C_DDRC2_NR_14
    +               | AT91C_DDRC2_NR_13
                    | AT91C_DDRC2_CAS_3
                    | AT91C_DDRC2_DISABLE_RESET_DLL
                    | AT91C_DDRC2_ENABLE_DLL
                    | AT91C_DDRC2_ENRDM_ENABLE       /* Phase error correction is enabled */
    -               | AT91C_DDRC2_NB_BANKS_8
    +               | AT91C_DDRC2_NB_BANKS_4
                    | AT91C_DDRC2_NDQS_DISABLED      /* NDQS disabled (check on schematics) */
                    | AT91C_DDRC2_DECOD_INTERLEAVED  /* Interleaved decoding */
                    | AT91C_DDRC2_UNAL_SUPPORTED);   /* Unaligned access is supported */