
imageView.image = UIImage(ciImage: ) won't update a second time

Case: I have a UISwitch button in view. When switch is off, the imageView will display a QRCode image generated from a string. When on, it will display a barcode image generated from string. I copied the QRCode and barcode generation functions from and they are working fine.

The problem is the imageView displays the generated image only for the first time. When switching between QRCode and barcode, the imageView won't update anymore. I am 100% sure the UISwitch is working, the functions are called and returning the generated image. I have tested multiple times with break points and printing, the functions are not returning nil or empty images.

Here is QRCode generation code

func generateQRCode(from string: String) -> UIImage? {
    let data = String.Encoding.ascii)

    if let filter = CIFilter(name: "CIQRCodeGenerator") {
        filter.setValue(data, forKey: "inputMessage")
        let transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 3, y: 3)

        if let output = filter.outputImage?.transformed(by: transform) {
            return UIImage(ciImage: output) //<== it always returns this
    return nil

Here is barcode generation code

func generateBarcode(from string: String) -> UIImage? {
    let data = String.Encoding.ascii)

    if let filter = CIFilter(name: "CICode128BarcodeGenerator") {
        filter.setValue(data, forKey: "inputMessage")
        let transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 3, y: 3)

        if let output = filter.outputImage?.transformed(by: transform) {
            return UIImage(ciImage: output) //<== it always returns this
    return nil

Here is how I switch between QRCode and barcode and the logic is correct

func toggleBarcode(isBarcode : Bool) {
    if isBarcode {
        qrImageView.image = generateBarcode(from: "Hacking with Swift")
    } else {
        qrImageView.image = generateQRCode(from: "Hacking with Swift")

When testing with something like

qrImageView.image = UIImage(named: "myimage")

it works everytime.

The imageView won't just update with UIImage(ciImage: )

I even tested with a few different versions of QR and barcode generation codes they all don't update the imageView for a second time.

I tried


but no luck.


  • Quick searching ... seems to be either a "bug" or a change...

    Changing your generator code to this seems to correct the issue:

    func generateQRCode(from string: String) -> UIImage? {
        let data = String.Encoding.ascii)
        let context = CIContext()
        if let filter = CIFilter(name: "CIQRCodeGenerator") {
            filter.setValue(data, forKey: "inputMessage")
            let transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 3, y: 3)
            if let output = filter.outputImage?.transformed(by: transform) {
                if let retImg = context.createCGImage(output, from: output.extent) {
                    return UIImage(cgImage: retImg)
        return nil
    func generateBarcode(from string: String) -> UIImage? {
        let data = String.Encoding.ascii)
        let context = CIContext()
        if let filter = CIFilter(name: "CICode128BarcodeGenerator") {
            filter.setValue(data, forKey: "inputMessage")
            let transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 3, y: 3)
            if let output = filter.outputImage?.transformed(by: transform) {
                if let retImg = context.createCGImage(output, from: output.extent) {
                    return UIImage(cgImage: retImg)
        return nil