I have two Models, cards and risks
Cards has the following columns:
1. id
2. weight
3. color //There are four types of colors, green, red, yellow, blue
Risks has the following:
1. id
2. name
3. description
4. card_id
What I want to achieve is a count of how many risks are, grouped by colors, for example:
'color' => 'green'
'count' => '4'
'color' => 'blue'
'count' => '2'
'color' => 'red'
'count' => '6'
So far I haven't been able to make this query using Eloquent, maybe some DB::raw could help?
Risk::select('card.name', DB::raw('count(risks.card_id)'))
->rightJoin('cards', 'card.id', '=', 'risks.card_id')