
How to change text font in android complication

Android documentation says androidx.wear.watchface.complications.rendering.ComplicationDrawable has textTypeface and titleTypeface attributes. But I have found no information how to use it. I have tried to pass there font resource, font-family resource but that had no effect. What do I need to pass to have effect?

Is it possible to change font style in Drawable complication?


  • It is POSSIBLE to apply a custom font for a complications.

    Here is how I got it (use this before render you complication - when call complication.render(canvas, zonedDateTime, renderParameters)):

    ComplicationDrawable.getDrawable(context, complicationStyle)?.apply {
        activeStyle.run {
            //... other attributes
            setTextTypeface(ResourcesCompat.getFont(context!!, R.font.your_font_resource)!!)
        (complication.renderer as CanvasComplicationDrawable).drawable = this

    I understand that it is not the best implementation but it is working (tested with android 11, galaxy watch 4 one ui 4.0)