I am trying to add a new property to an object which is part of an array of objects. The main array looks like this:
0: {key: 'Fruits', props: Array(22)}
1: {key: 'Dried', props: Array(1)}
2: {key: 'Fresh', props: Array(1)}
3: {key: 'Exotic', props: Array(6)}
4: {key: 'Nuts', props: Array(6)}
What I want to modify is an object inside props key. It is when clicking upon a certain object that matches the name that new property should be added. So my code looks like this:
let updatedFruitsArr = [];
const fruitsArr = [...getFruitsFromLocalStorge()];
// modify the fruits array in order to add a new key to the
// object that matches the name selected
fruitsArr.forEach((fruits) => {
props: [...fruits.props].map((fruit) => {
if (fruit.name === fruitName) {
return {
isInCart: true
} else {
return fruit
However, every time updatedFruitsArr returns the original array without that property added. Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong? Thank you
You don't need to create a new array and use .forEach
and .push
, you can just use .map
const fruits = [
key: 'Fruits',
props: [
name: 'Apple'
name: 'Orange'
name: 'Pear'
key: 'Nuts',
props: [
name: 'Cashew'
name: 'Peanuts'
const newFruits = fruits.map(fruitType => {
return {
props: fruitType.props.map(fruit => {
if(fruit.name === 'Apple'){
return {
isInCart: true
} else {
return {