I have a Plone 5.0.5 deployment and the need the package zc.zrs for ZODB replication. After adding the information to the buildout.cfg, I've added the URL https://pypi.org/simple on the index parameter:
extends =
index = https://pypi.org/simple
Then I run the buildout and get the following error:
# sudo -u plone_buildout bin/buildout
Installing 'plone.recipe.zeoserver[zrs]'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zeoserver[zrs]==1.2.9'.
Getting required 'zc.zrs'
We have no distributions for zc.zrs that satisfies 'zc.zrs'.
Download error on https://pypi.org/simple: hostname 'pypi.org' doesn't match either of 'www.python.org', '*.python.org', 'docs.python.org', 'downloads.python.org', 'pypi.python.org' -- Some packages may not be found!
Download error on https://pypi.org/simple/zc.zrs/: hostname 'pypi.org' doesn't match either of 'www.python.org', '*.python.org', 'docs.python.org', 'downloads.python.org', 'pypi.python.org' -- Some packages may not be found!
Couldn't find index page for 'zc.zrs' (maybe misspelled?)
Download error on https://pypi.org/simple/: hostname 'pypi.org' doesn't match either of 'www.python.org', '*.python.org', 'docs.python.org', 'downloads.python.org', 'pypi.python.org' -- Some packages may not be found!
Getting distribution for 'zc.zrs'.
Couldn't find index page for 'zc.zrs' (maybe misspelled?)
Could't load zc.buildout entry point default
from plone.recipe.zeoserver[zrs]:
Couldn't find a distribution for 'zc.zrs'..
Getting section zeoserver.
Initializing section zeoserver.
Installing recipe plone.recipe.zeoserver[zrs].
Getting distribution for 'zc.zrs'.
Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'zc.zrs'.
After doing some research find out that the buildout uses easy_install, and tryed to add some parameters described from this documentation, but I'm getting the same errors like doesn't changed nothing.
How can I allow the download from PyPI from Plone buildout?
The Plone buildout should be able to download from pypi by default. Check if you can download with wget into your download folder:
You should have a downloads folder in your buildout-cache folder, if you are using the default installer. I do that sometimes when the server has some strange network configurations and can't download some packages directly.