I would like to include a diagram from diagrammeR in R markdown and render it to PDF.
I installed webshot and phantomJS as discussed in this post but the output is a blank image.
I updated knitr and R to the newest version, the image is still blank.
I tried saving the graph into an html file and use webshot to save it into a png, the png file is still a blank image.
I really appreciate any help! Thank you.
grViz("digraph {
graph [layout = neato, rankdir = LR, splines = line]
node [shape = rectangle, pin = true]
rec1 [label = 'AAA', pos='1,1!'];
rec2 [label = 'BBB', pos='3,1!'];
rec3 [label = 'CCC', pos='5,1!'];
rec4 [label = 'DDD', pos='7,1!'];
p1 [label = '', pos = '1,2!', shape = point, width = 0];
p2 [label = '', pos = '5,2!', shape = point, width = 0]
rec1 -> rec2 -> rec3 -> rec4
rec3 -> p2 -> p1 [arrowhead = none]
p1 -> rec1
I just tried your code in a PDF document and had the same problem as you did, but when I installed webshot2
it worked fine:
Note that I deleted library(webshot)
and library(knitr)