Next.js has an Image component that lazy loads images and also provides a srcset
for a given image.
However, sometimes we want to deliver different images for different devices (art redirection).
Mozilla says we should use <picture>
element for this purpose, providing different images for different media queries.
I can't find an article (even in next.js official docs) to tell us how can we do that using <Image>
Is it possible? How can I use next.js <Image>
component and HTML <picture>
element together?
I have searched for hundreds of websites, this is the only solution I found which workable on Next.js ( with tailwindcss ).
import Image from 'next/image'
<div className="md:hidden">
<Image src="Banner-767x500.webp" height={500} width={767} />
<div className="hidden md:inline-flex lg:hidden">
<Image src="Banner-1023x500.webp" height={500} width={1023} />
<div className="hidden lg:inline-flex xl:hidden">
<Image src="Banner-1400x500.webp" height={500} width={1400} />
<div className="hidden xl:inline-flex">
<Image height={500} width={2000} src="Banner-2000x500.webp" />