and core verification failed

I used aurelia (single page application) to create a website. Since SEO meta tags are added during runtime on client side search engines cant pick up these tags. I found as solution for this problem, however I just cant get it to verify my application.

Verification failes

My backend is implemented core and is running as a app service. I used this Middleware:

My configuration is:

  "PrerenderConfiguration": {
    "ServiceUrl": "",
    "Token": null,
    "CrawlerUserAgentPattern": null,
    "WhiteListPattern": null,
    "BlackListPattern": "lib|css|js",
    "AdditionalExtensionPattern": null,
    "ProxyUrl": null,
    "ProxyPort": 80

I also already tried setting the "Token" in the Configuration to the one I can see on the website after login in the upper left corner. Is there any step I'm missing or are the instructions on the github page incomplete?


  • It seems that this github repo ist no longer maintained. Pull requests like are not going through for years. Im not sure whats going on but the dll in the nuget package is not working (maybe old build?). The code itself is working however. I ended up copying all files I needed (Constants.cs, PrerenderConfiguration.cs, PrerenderMiddleware.cs, PrerenderMiddlewareExtendsions.cs and WebProxy.cs) merged some new suggestions and added it so my solution. It works now.