
URLSearchParams.set() without URIEncoding

URLSearchParams.set(key, value) URIEncodes the values its given, producing ugly non-specified urls.

The following test is based off this list of url friendly characters

const url = new URL("");
const test = "abc123+-_$#%?@,"
url.searchParams.set("foo", test);

console.log(`What foo should be: ${test}`);
console.log(`What foo is: ${}`)

Is there a way to use URLSearchParams from URL.searchParams to update a search param to the value given and not an encoding of it?


  • If one wants all their searchParams to be unencoded, they can just set to an unencoded version of itself:

    const url = new URL("");
    const test = "abc123+-_$#%?@,"
    url.searchParams.set("foo", test) = decodeURIComponent(
    console.log(`What foo should be: ${test}`);
    console.log(`What foo is: ${}`)

    If one only wants the specified key to be unencoded, it takes some extra

    const testUrl = new URL("");
    testUrl.searchParams.set("bar", "++ ++");
    const testVal = "abc123+-_$#%?@,";
    setValueUnencoded(testUrl, "foo", testVal);
    console.log(`What foo should be: ${testVal}`);
    console.log(`What foo is: ${}`)
    function setValueUnencoded(url, key, value) {
      url.searchParams.set(key, value);
      const entries = Array.from(url.searchParams.entries()); = "";
      entries.forEach(item => {
        if (item[0] === key) { return; }
        url.searchParams.set(item[0], item[1]);
      }); += `${key}=${value}`;