
Google Cloud Pub/Sub: push subscription doesn't call IAP-protected GAE app

I have a Pub/Sub topic with a push subscription. I want my AppEngine app to be called when a message published to the topic.
Here's how I created the subscription:


My GAE app is behind Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP). Without IAP everything works fine. But if IAP is enabled GAE isn't being called. There's no any errors in logs. In Cloud Console, on Pub/Sub Subscriptions page, I just can see that there're undelivered messages (on Overview's graph). enter image description here

IAP has a principal for GAE default account which I use for subscription (service_account_email)

I granted Pub/Sub SA with iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator role (though according the docs it's not needed anymore):

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID

I tried creating a separated SA as well (as suggested in this answer), it didn't help.


  • You have to specify the correct audience. WHen you use App Engine and IAP the audience is unusual. I wrote an article where you can find the correct value to set.

    To speed up your search, here the most important info: