
No qualifying bean of type '' in controller test

I wrote a controller which combines actuator info.

public class AppStatusRestController {
    private final HealthEndpoint healthEndpoint;
    private final InfoEndpoint infoEndpoint;

    public AppStatusRestController(HealthEndpoint healthEndpoint, InfoEndpoint infoEndpoint) {
        this.healthEndpoint = healthEndpoint;
        this.infoEndpoint = infoEndpoint;

    public Status status() {
        Map<String, Object> info =;
        return Status.builder()
                .appName("My application")
                .version(((Map<String, Object>) info.get("build")).get("version").toString())
                .buildDateTime(((Map<String, Object>) info.get("build")).get("timestamp").toString())

In my test I get an error No qualifying bean of type ''.

@SpringBootTest(classes = AppStatusRestController.class)
@TestPropertySource(properties = "management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=*")
class AppStatusRestControllerTest {

    void status() {

How can I actiavate default spring actuator beans in controller test(@SpringBootTest/@WebMvcTest)?


  • I guess I'm narrowing down the context is the answer to your question: Spring includes only the controller into its context skipping everything else. Try to include HealthEndpointAutoConfiguration too.