Sample Data. We are expected to receive Products everyday with Total counts.
TimeStamp |
Product Desc |
Product Code |
Available count |
2022-01-02T09:00:00Z |
Berries |
111 |
10 |
2022-01-02T09:00:00Z |
Chocolate |
222 |
20 |
2022-01-02T09:00:00Z |
Mayo |
333 |
30 |
2022-01-03T09:00:00Z |
Berries |
111 |
15 |
2022-01-03T09:00:00Z |
Chocolate |
222 |
22 |
2022-01-04T09:00:00Z |
Berries |
111 |
30 |
If no product received on that particular day, i have to show the last date received product as the current day.
TimeStamp |
Product Desc |
Product Code |
Available count |
2022-01-03T09:00:00Z |
Berries |
111 |
15 |
2022-01-03T09:00:00Z |
Chocolate |
222 |
22 |
2022-01-03T09:00:00Z |
Mayo |
333 |
30 |
2022-01-04T09:00:00Z |
Berries |
111 |
30 |
2022-01-04T09:00:00Z |
Chocolate |
222 |
22 |
2022-01-04T09:00:00Z |
Mayo |
333 |
30 |
datatable (['TimeStamp']:datetime,['Product Desc']:string,['Product Code']:int,['Available count']:int)
'2022-01-02T09:00:00Z' ,'Berries' ,111 ,10
,'2022-01-02T09:00:00Z' ,'Chocolate' ,222 ,20
,'2022-01-02T09:00:00Z' ,'Mayo' ,333 ,30
,'2022-01-03T09:00:00Z' ,'Berries' ,111 ,15
,'2022-01-03T09:00:00Z' ,'Chocolate' ,222 ,22
,'2022-01-04T09:00:00Z' ,'Berries' ,111 ,30
| summarize arg_max(['TimeStamp'], *) by ['Product Code']
Product Code |
TimeStamp |
Product Desc |
Available count |
333 |
2022-01-02T09:00:00Z |
Mayo |
30 |
222 |
2022-01-03T09:00:00Z |
Chocolate |
22 |
111 |
2022-01-04T09:00:00Z |
Berries |
30 |