
ADB2C Social Log in - what is the difference between alternateSecurityId and userIdentity?

I'm just getting confused because I have seen examples of using alternativeSecurityIds and others using userIdentities? Are they one and the same?

Also, I want to update my azure ad multi-tenant federation using userIdentity instead of alternativeUserId, can I use any name for the issuer or does it need to take the value of PartnerClaimType="iss" like below?

<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="issuer" PartnerClaimType="iss" />


  • The underlying Identity structure is the same.

    Yes, I agree - very confusing.

    The samples refer to userIdentities but the documentation still refers to alternativeSecurityId.

    The feedback I have got is that userIdentities are the way to go.


    <ClaimsTransformation Id="CreateAlternativeSecurityId" TransformationMethod="CreateAlternativeSecurityId">
            <InputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="issuerUserId" TransformationClaimType="key"/>
            <InputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="identityProvider" TransformationClaimType="identityProvider"/>
            <OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="alternativeSecurityId" TransformationClaimType="alternativeSecurityId"/>

    As you can see from above, that is how the identities are stored.

    The post you linked to shows:

    <OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="identityProvider" PartnerClaimType="iss" />

    So if you change it, it won't match an entry in the table.