
How to get Parts that have two different value source type?

I work on sql server 2017 i need to get part id that have two different source type per same part .

but part have two different source type per part

and it must have one source type from two source type equal 8901 .

sample data

create table #temp
     partid int,
     sourcetypeid int
     insert into #temp(partid,sourcetypeid)

what i try

select partid from #temp
 where sourcetypeid=8901
 group by partid
 having count(distinct sourcetypeid)=2

but it return null

expected result

partid that have two different source type at least source type 8901 must exist


  • but it return null

    The current query fails because the WHERE clause excludes all sourceTypeId except one: 8901.

    PartId | SourceTypeId
    -----: | -----------:
      1290 |         8901
      7001 |         8901
      9110 |         8901
      9110 |         8901

    So when the HAVING clause searches for parts with two (2) SourceTypeId values, no matches are found, because the count is always 1:

    PartId | COUNT(DISTINCT t.SourceTypeId)
    -----: | -----------------------------:
      1290 |    1
      7001 |    1
      9110 |    1

    Instead, try using EXISTS to ensure that one of two SourceTypeId's is 8901:

    SELECT t.PartId
    FROM   #temp t 
           SELECT 1
           FROM  #temp r
           WHERE r.SourceTypeId = 8901
           AND   r.partId = t.PartId
    GROUP BY  t.PartId


    | PartId |
    | -----: |
    |   1290 |