I want to write a Sieve filter like this:
require "fileinto";
require "imap4flags";
require "variables";
set "adresses" ["foo.com", "bar.com", "baz.com"];
if address :domain ["to", "from"] ${addresses} {
addflag "\\Seen";
fileinto "Spam";
The problem is, both the RFC and the implementation (ProtonMail's) only allow for strings:
Usage: set [MODIFIER] <name: string> <value: string>
Is there any proper or hacky way to still do something like it?
You can use a string as pseudo-array with separator like :
, that obviously isn't a part of domain name.
require "variables";
set "addresses" ":foo.com:bar.com:baz.com:";
if address :domain :matches "to" "*" { set "domain_to" "${1}"; }
if address :domain :matches "from" "*" { set "domain_from" "${1}"; }
if string :contains "${addresses}" [":${domain_to}:", ":${domain_from}:"] {
addflag "\\Seen";
fileinto "Spam";