As an exercise for myself, I'm trying to define and prove a few properties on binary trees.
Here's my btree definition:
Inductive tree : Type :=
| Leaf
| Node (x : nat) (t1 : tree) (t2 : tree).
The first property I wanted to prove is that the height of a btree is at least log2(n+1)
where n
is the number of nodes. So I defined countNodes
Fixpoint countNodes (t : tree) :=
match t with
| Leaf => 0
| Node _ t1 t2 => 1 + (countNodes t1) + (countNodes t2)
And heightTree
Fixpoint heightTree (t : tree) :=
match t with
| Leaf => 0
| Node _ t1 t2 => 1 + (max (heightTree t1) (heightTree t2))
Now, here's my (incomplete) theorem. Could anyone provide me with hints on how to complete this induction? It seems like I should have 2 base cases (Leaf
and Node _ Leaf Leaf
), how can I do that?
Theorem height_of_tree_is_at_least_log2_Sn : forall t : tree,
log2 (1 + (countNodes t)) <= heightTree t.
induction t.
- simpl. rewrite Nat.log2_1. apply le_n.
Remaining goal:
1 goal (ID 26)
x : nat
t1, t2 : tree
IHt1 : log2 (1 + countNodes t1) <= heightTree t1
IHt2 : log2 (1 + countNodes t2) <= heightTree t2
log2 (1 + countNodes (Node x t1 t2)) <= heightTree (Node x t1 t2)
PS: I have a similar problem when trying to prove that the degree of any node can only be 0, 1, or 2. Also issues on the inductive step.
There is no problem with your proof start. If you simplify your second sub-goal with simpl in *
, you obtain:
1 goal (ID 47)
x : nat
t1, t2 : tree
IHt1 : Nat.log2 (S (countNodes t1)) <= heightTree t1
IHt2 : Nat.log2 (S (countNodes t2)) <= heightTree t2
Nat.log2 (S (S (countNodes t1 + countNodes t2))) <=
S (Init.Nat.max (heightTree t1) (heightTree t2))
In order to make things more readable, you replace expressions which refer to trees with variables (with remember
for instance):
1 goal (ID 59)
x : nat
t1, t2 : tree
n1, n2, p1, p2 : nat
IH1 : Nat.log2 (S n1) <= p1
IH2 : Nat.log2 (S n2) <= p2
Nat.log2 (S (S (n1 + n2))) <= S (Init.Nat.max p1 p2)
It's now a goal about log2
and max
. Many properties on log2
are in the standard library. The lia
tactic is very helpful for dealing with max
About your question on degree of nodes: How do you formalize your statement ? Is it as follows ?
Fixpoint Forallsubtree (P : tree -> Prop) t :=
match t with
Leaf => P t
| Node x t1 t2 => P t /\ Forallsubtree P t1 /\ Forallsubtree P t2
Definition root_degree (t: tree) :=
match t with Leaf => 0 | Node _ _ _ => 2 end.
Goal forall t,
Forallsubtree (fun t => 0 <= root_degree t <= 2) t.
induction t; cbn; auto.