I have a minimal JAX-RS application. I am trying to produce an XML response, but instead I get the exception below. The resource should return a List of Country objects, but the exception refers to a Vector. I am running TomEE Web Profile 9.0.0-M7 and Jakarta Web Profile 9.1.
Mar 04, 2022 12:33:42 PM org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.utils.JAXRSUtils logMessageHandlerProblem
SEVERE: No message body writer has been found for class java.util.Vector, ContentType: application/xml
import jakarta.ws.rs.ApplicationPath;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Application;
public class RestApplication extends Application {
Country Resource
public class CountryResource {
public List<Country> getCountries() {
return Database.get().findCountries();
Country query
public List<Country> findCountries() {
return em.createQuery("SELECT c FROM Country c ORDER BY c.countryName", Country.class).getResultList();
Country needs to be annotated with an XmlRootElement annotation.