I've been struggling for a while to get a neat utility function for parsing sensible parameters out of encoded URLs in Scala. Despite a lot of reading & trying with library tools I haven't anything particularly usable.
This is my current solution, using a couple of matching sets. I'd be interested in some feedback or other solutions people have for doing this.
def EncodedUrlToParamMap(encodedURL:String): Map[String,String] = {
def toMap(l:List[String], acc: Map[String,String]): Map[String,String] = {
if (l.length<2) acc
else if (l.length==2) toMap( List.empty, acc + (l.head -> URLDecoder.decode(l.tail.head,"UTF-8")))
else toMap( l.drop(2), acc+(l.head->l(2)))
val paramPattern: Regex = "\\?([\\s\\S]*)$".r
val valuePattern: Regex = "[^?=&]*".r
paramPattern.findFirstIn( encodedURL ) match {
case Some(params) =>
val values: List[String] = valuePattern.findAllIn( params ).toList.filter(_.nonEmpty)
toMap(values, Map.empty)
case None =>
If you just want to extract the key/value, you can do that in a easier way but first, just type your string as an URI
def EncodedUrlToParamMap2(encodedURL: URI): Map[String,String] = {
val map = encodedURL
.getRawQuery //Method from URI - you get the query string directly (after the ?)
.split("&") //Split on "&"
.collect {
case s"$key=$value" => key -> value //Since scala 2.13, you can do pattern matching with extraction
// The -> creates a tuple of 2 elements
// You can add URLDecoder on v here
.toMap // Get the whole as a Map
val uri = new URI("https//www.domain.com/page?key1=value1&key2=value2")