I have a model A
and want to make subclasses of it.
class A(models.Model):
type = models.ForeignKey(Type)
data = models.JSONField()
def compute():
class B(A):
def compute():
df = self.go_get_data()
self.data = self.process(df)
class C(A):
def compute():
df = self.go_get_other_data()
self.data = self.process_another_way(df)
# ... other subclasses of A
and C
should not have their own tables, so I decided to use the proxy
attirbute of Meta
. However, I want there to be a table of all the implemented proxies.
In particular, I want to keep a record of the name and description of each subclass.
For example, for B
, the name would be "B"
and the description would be the docstring for B
So I made another model:
class Type(models.Model):
# The name of the class
name = models.String()
# The docstring of the class
desc = models.String()
# A unique identifier, different from the Django ID,
# that allows for smoothly changing the name of the class
identifier = models.Int()
Now, I want it so when I create an A
, I can only choose between the different subclasses of A
Hence the Type
table should always be up-to-date.
For example, if I want to unit-test the behavior of B
, I'll need to use the corresponding Type
instance to create an instance of B
, so that Type
instance already needs to be in the database.
Looking over on the Django website, I see two ways to achieve this: fixtures and data migrations. Fixtures aren't dynamic enough for my usecase, since the attributes literally come from the code. That leaves me with data migrations.
I tried writing one, that goes something like this:
def update_results(apps, schema_editor):
A = apps.get_model("app", "A")
Type = apps.get_model("app", "Type")
subclasses = get_all_subclasses(A)
for cls in subclasses:
id = cls.get_identifier()
defaults=dict(name=cls.__name__, desc=cls.__desc__)
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
operations = [
# ... other stuff
The problem is, I don't see how to store the identifier within the class, so that the Django Model
instance can recover it.
So far, here is what I have tried:
I have tried using the fairly new __init_subclass__
construct of Python. So my code now looks like:
class A:
def __init_subclass__(cls, identifier=None, **kwargs):
if identifier is None:
raise ValueError()
cls.identifier = identifier
defaults=dict(name=cls.__name__, desc=cls.__doc__)
# ... the rest of A
# The identifier should never change, so that even if the
# name of the class changes, we still know which subclass is referred to
class B(A, identifier=3):
# ... the rest of B
But this update_or_create
fails when the database is new (e.g. during unit tests), because the Type
table does not exist.
When I have this problem in development (we're still in early stages so deleting the DB is still sensible), I have to go
comment out the update_or_create
in __init_subclass__
. I can then migrate and put it back in.
Of course, this solution is also not great because __init_subclass__
is run way more than necessary. Ideally this machinery would only happen at migration.
So there you have it! I hope the problem statement makes sense.
Thanks for reading this far and I look forward to hearing from you; even if you have other things to do, I wish you a good rest of your day :)
With a little help from Django-expert friends, I solved this with the post_migrate
I removed the update_or_create
in __init_subclass
, and in project/app/apps.py
I added:
from django.apps import AppConfig
from django.db.models.signals import post_migrate
def get_all_subclasses(cls):
"""Get all subclasses of a class, recursively.
Used to get a list of all the implemented As.
all_subclasses = []
for subclass in cls.__subclasses__():
return all_subclasses
def update_As(sender=None, **kwargs):
"""Get a list of all implemented As and write them in the database.
More precisely, each model is used to instantiate a Type, which will be used to identify As.
from app.models import A, Type
subclasses = get_all_subclasses(A)
for cls in subclasses:
id = cls.identifier
Type.objects.update_or_create(identifier=id, defaults=dict(name=cls.__name__, desc=cls.__doc__))
class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
default_auto_field = "django.db.models.BigAutoField"
name = "app"
def ready(self):
post_migrate.connect(update_As, sender=self)
Hope this is helpful for future Django coders in need!