I am using two variables with random numbers from 1-10 in each and I want the user to click on the <= or >= symbol pictures that I used a toolTip in them . All the code is written in the card's script and the methods are called in the needed button or field . I included a picture of my app's interface too . Thank you
here is my code can someone please help and spot what's wrong ? Thank you
local _leftNumberValue
local _rightNumberValue
local _correctAnswer
local _userAnswerValue
local _userScore
local _numberOfQuestions
on openCard
end openCard
on PreparingQuestion
put random(10) into _leftNumberValue
put _leftNumberValue into field "leftNumber"
put random (10) into _rightNumberValue
put _rightNumberValue into field "rightNumber"
if _leftNumberValue >= _rightNumberValue
put _leftNumberValue into _correctAnswer
add 1 to _numberOfQuestions
put _numberOfQuestions into field "numberOfQuestions"
end if
end PreparingQuestion
on CheckUsersAnswer
put field "userAnswer" into _userAnswerValue
if _userAnswerValue = _correctAnswer
if _userScore < 4
answer "Great Job :) You can move on to the next level"
end if
end if
put empty into field "userAnswer"
end CheckUsersAnswer
on AddPointsToPlayer
add 1 to _userScore
put _userScore into field "scoreBoard"
end AddPointsToPlayer
on StartOver
put empty into field "numberOfQuestions"
put 0 into _userScore
put 0 into _numberOfQuestions
put _numberOfQuestions into field "numberOfQuestions"
put _userScore into field "scoreBoard"
end StartOver
I think you need to explain the play and point of the game. I tried recreating your stack as best I could from the description and code, it seems to work OK, but I'm not sure I fully understand exactly what should be happening or where it's going wrong.
One point; your CheckUsersAnswer handler only checks for a correct answer, what is supposed to happen if the answer is wrong?
Revised handlers…
on PreparingQuestion
put random(10) into _leftNumberValue
put _leftNumberValue into field "leftNumber"
put random (10) into _rightNumberValue
put _rightNumberValue into field "rightNumber"
## CHANGED: Determine the correct answer…
if _leftNumberValue > _rightNumberValue then put ">" into _correctAnswer
if _leftNumberValue < _rightNumberValue then put "<" into _correctAnswer
if _leftNumberValue = _rightNumberValue then put "=" into _correctAnswer
add 1 to _numberOfQuestions
put _numberOfQuestions into field "numberOfQuestions"
end PreparingQuestion
on CheckUsersAnswer
put field "userAnswer" into _userAnswerValue
if _userAnswerValue = _correctAnswer then
if _userScore < 4 then
answer "Great Job :) You can move on to the next level"
end if
## ADDED: Message for user to try again…
answer "Wrong answer. Please try again."
end if
put empty into field "userAnswer"
end CheckUsersAnswer