I would like to start coding in the APL programming language. But for that, I need the right keyboard layout!
Here is the list of behaviors I'm looking for:
I already found other StackOverflow answers like this one: APL Keymapping on Linux (GNU APL)
But what happens is that my french keyboard is being replaced with the APL one!
I also found sources saying that I should be able to add it natively with the Ubuntu: https://www.sacrideo.us/configuring-your-apl-keyboard-on-linux/
But I couldn't find it in the language and input: APL missing from Ubuntu region and language input source
Thank you for your help!
According to the documentation[1], you can enable some "rarely used keyboard layout variants", using the following command:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources show-all-sources true
Then you can add an APL layout (under English).
Edit: you may want to check https://aplwiki.com/wiki/Typing_glyphs_on_Linux , in particular in Gnome, using the Gnome Tweaks trick I set 'Right Ctrl (while pressed)', which does not require to switch layouts every time you type a special char. Ideally there should be a US APL layout (like in Windows?) and use the AltGr key; but apparently that doesn't exist yet (at least by default).