
How to get rid of extra curly braces in JSON?

I'm basically creating a contact book, and I want to do it storing data on JSON to practice it. I have sort a code that allows it from a dictionary, but the problem is that when I rerun the script, another dictionary is appended into the existing one, creating a couple of extra braces which throws the error "End of file expected."

This is the code:

import json

new_contacts = {}

def contacts():
    while True:
        name = input("Contact's name: ")
        email = input("Email: ")
        number = input("Phone number: ")
        new_contacts[name] = {"email": email, "number": number}
            'INSERT INTO contacts VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
            (name, email, number)
        restart_or_not = input("Continue? y/n ").lower()

        if restart_or_not == "y":
            with open('contact_book.json', 'a') as file:
                json.dump(new_contacts, file, indent=4)


And this is a sample of a JSON that comes out from it:

    "d": {
        "email": "e",
        "number": "3"
    "h": {
        "email": "y",
        "number": "6"
    "f": {
        "email": "r",
        "number": "3"
    "n": {
        "email": "j",
        "number": "9"
    "g": {
        "email": "j",
        "number": "0"

The first four entries don't create any problem because they are appended in the same run, but if I quit the program and rerun it (example "g") then the new dictionary creates the conflict. Any tips?


  • One way of doing it, is before adding to the file, you delete the last closing bracket } and before dumping, you cast your dict into a string and remove the first bracket using this your_string[1:].

    The other way which I coded for you, is you load the json into a variable, add the new inputs and then re dump it into the file

    import json
    from os import path # it helps to check if file exists
    new_contacts = {}
    def contacts():
        while True:
            name = input("Contact's name: ")
            email = input("Email: ")
            number = input("Phone number: ")
            new_contacts[name] = {"email": email, "number": number}
                'INSERT INTO contacts VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
                (name, email, number)
            restart_or_not = input("Continue? y/n ").lower()
            if restart_or_not == "y":
                # if the file doesn't exist, write an empty json object into it
                # which will make it easier later to load data from
                if not path.exists('contact_book.json'):
                    with open('contact_book.json', 'w+') as file:
                        json.dump({}, file)
                # This loads the data into the variable dict called loaded_data
                with open('contact_book.json', 'r') as file:
                    loaded_data = json.load(file)
                    for k, v in new_contacts.items():
                        loaded_data[k] = v
                # redumps your data into the json file
                with open('contact_book.json', 'w') as file:
                    json.dump(loaded_data, file, indent=4)