What I got:
enabled in jetstream.php
Route::middleware(['auth:sanctum', 'verified'])->get('/testweb', function () {
return "test web called";
Route::get('/testapi', function(){
return 'api called';
now when I call /testweb
in the browser and I am logged in I get "test web called"
when I am logged out and call it I get redirected to login view
when I make the API request WITH the token
I get the expected result "api called"
when I don't add a token to the request
I don't get a 401
or so but I get a 200
with an "empty" view (with livewire i see it is the loginview, so i think with inertia it is the loginview too)
what is the cause of that? do I have to handle it myself? if yes, where and how?
additional note:
I made the API request with POSTMAN, does it differ if I do not set the header as Accept: application/json
When the request is made with that head included
Accept: application/json
then the Authenticate Middleware will know what to do and decide
if it will redirect it or
just send back a 401 response.